Sexual energy is the most powerful energy there is, it is the energy of life and creation.
From the moment we are born our sexuality is conditioned by family, cultural and social causes, this leads us to disconnect ourselves from a free, innocent and fulfilling sexuality and our creative capacity.
Sacred sexuality accompanies us to be aware of the existence of the sexual-creative energy that dwells in us and in all that surrounds us, through reconnection and experimenting with our feminine and masculine energies to experience life in union and wholeness with all.
Our sexuality is based on our experiences that we have lived through in the family, then at school and in our life experiences.
In the course we discover issues that were stored in the unconscious and that are conditioning our present. Understanding and integration into a new vision makes us change, and as a result our environment changes.
Within us we have feminine energy and masculine energy, whether we are male or female. We try to discover which we have more developed and which less. Then we will do exercises to balance.
The repression of the feminine has very hard consequences. It disconnects us from intuition, from our creative power and from love. Most people are afraid of their sensitive, soft and vulnerable side. We live in a world in which we are taught that, in order to survive, we need to be strong, and that vulnerability is something negative or dangerous, when in fact, coming to know our vulnerability opens the door to greater strength and self-esteem, and makes us more human. .
The recovery of feeling is very important for healthy sexuality. If we have an armour created not to feel pain, we cannot feel pleasure either. We need to get to know ourselves again, to know what we are really feeling in order to enjoy a pleasurable sexuality.