For most people the topic of prosperity, especially money, presents a big challenge.
What does prosperity mean to you, do you feel prosperous?
Every topic we work on in Rebirthing is made up of two parts, the breathwork and the mastery of the mind.
Mastery of the mind is based on the idea that our thoughts create our reality. This is true for both conscious and unconscious thoughts. Our unconscious is a place where the memories of our life have been stored, including ancestral memories. The work in the courses is about connecting with the unconscious mind and making the unconscious conscious.
Conscious and connected breathing causes blockages and stagnant energy from the unconscious to move and release. This results in more vital energy and well-being.
There is so much conditioning around prosperity, money, so many negative beliefs that it is normal that their manifestation in life is a struggle and a headache.
In the Prosperity and Money workshop we discover which beliefs, family conditioning and incidents have created the way you feel prosperity or scarcity, lightness or a lot of tension.
On the other hand, prosperity is closely linked to your self-esteem. What value do you place on yourself? This is the value you are willing/willing to receive.