We all aspire to happiness. Interestingly, in the field of work, there is a prevailing belief that you have to work hard and suffer to succeed, to survive, to exist.
As we are teaching in all workshops: OUR THOUGHTS CREATE OUR REALITY. For this reason, it will be your thoughts that will determine the way you live your work.
Knowing the history, beliefs and experiences in your family gives you important clues to understand the current moment in which you are at work. For example, people whose families have experienced oppression will repeat this feeling in their working life.
This workshop is, on the one hand, about making visible the invisible patterns around work, discovering unconscious beliefs and recognising the family history related to this area. On the other hand, you will discover how to find the purpose in your life to develop professionally, recognising your talents, skills, tastes and passions, which define you and help you to know what you really want to be and do.
Sometimes one option is to change your job; sometimes it is to change yourself within your job.
Personally, I have experienced and lived this process of introspection and transformation some time ago and, finally, I have been able to live and enjoy the work that I like the most and that gives me wonderful results.