Childhood is where our most important and enduring thoughts and beliefs are created. We are sponges and absorb everything – everything we hear, see and perceive. We then make decisions as a result and, more often than not, get misperceptions about love, relationships, work, money, life.
Thus we inherit thoughts, beliefs and habits, mostly from our parents. When we are children, our parents are gods to us and our life depends on them. They are the example to follow, or – if we are angry with them – we rebel against their example. Either way, it doesn’t allow us to be that unique being that we really are. We repeat family stories without knowing that we are doing so.
Many times we have no idea what is going on, because we live certain situations in our life over and over again, because we don’t make it out, because we don’t succeed.
Practically every problem in our life comes from this time, childhood.
You can’t see what’s behind it, because it’s just things that you have been repressing. Let me help you see and understand, and let go of your past.
We thank the parents and let go of them to be free.